Waking Up is Hard to Do
6 a.m. - My alarm goes off. I look groggily at the clock, and then reset it for 8 a.m.
6:01 a.m. - I amble into the bathroom to dispose of hours worth of bladder liquid.
6:04 a.m. - I crawl back into the warmth of my bed, close my eyes, and. . .
8 a.m. - My alarm goes off. I look groggily at the clock, and then hit the snooze button.
8:09 a.m. - My alarm goes off. I look groggily at the clock, and then hit the snooze button.
8:18 a.m. - My alarm goes off. I look groggily at the clock, turn it off completely, and drag myself to a sitting position.
8:19 a.m. - I finish wiping away the remaining eye boogers, and start making my bed.
8:23 a.m. - I brush my teeth and then put in my contact lenses. I then cuss about the amount of painful crap that has apparently built up on my lenses. I remove them, wash then, and place them back in my eyes.
8:28 a.m. - I begin shaving my face and head. Yes, I shave my head. Why? Because I like looking like an escaped convict on a vendetta.
8:35 a.m. - I enter the shower, where I spend two minutes debating whether to lather with Dove soap or Herbal Essences. I usually opt for Essences, because it's a totally organic experience.
8:45 a.m. - I skitter back to my room, neglecting to wrap myself in a towel, careful to ensure neither of my female roommates are anywhere to be seen.
8:46 a.m. - I dress myself, usually in jeans and some sort of shirt that complements the weather. I'm not particularly picky here, because I'm usually running late.
8:50 a.m. - I'm out the door to work. I'm still tired, so I give my bed a last, long, wistful glance. And I'm gone.