November 06, 2003

Have You Ever Noticed. . . ?

Have you ever noticed that, when you tip over a bottle of Diet Pepsi, you're actually yelling "God damnit!" even before the bottle tips all the way over?

Have you ever noticed that, after yelling "God damnit!" because you tipped over you Diet Pepsi, nine times out of ten you still allow the bottle to tip the rest of the way over?

Have you ever noticed that, after a bottle of Diet Pepsi has tipped completely over, you tend to stare at it briefly, allowing Diet Pepsi to spill out over your interview notes?

Have you ever noticed how, when you realize that Diet Pepsi has spilled out over your interview notes, you tend to yell "God damnit!" all over again without first addressing the spilled soda problem?

Have you ever noticed how, when you try to carefully carry your Diet Pepsi soaked notebook over to the trash, you inevitably end up dripping Diet Pepsi on both your computer keyboard and your miniature tape recorder, to say nothing of the dress pants you're supposed to wear to an awards banquet that night?

Have you ever noticed any of these things?

Just asking.

Posted by Ryan at November 6, 2003 01:41 PM
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