April 14, 2010

Tonight is nice, despite a scare

Tonight, the basement buzzes with the sound of a fan drying sheetrock joint compound. And a thunderstorm.

The fan isn't drying out the thunderstorm. That would be one hell of a fan.

Still, tonight, there is a thunderstorm.

The boy threw up tonight. Not, like, a spit up, but copious amounts of puke. It actually was coming out of his nose, and he kept choking on it, because he was desperate to breathe, which he probably was, considering how much puke there was.

20 minutes later, he was fine, and laughing. Now he's sleeping, despite some distress about experiencing his first thunderstorm.

By the way, if April showers bring May flowers, what happens when you already have April flowers?

I don't care. We deserve this early spring.

Posted by Ryan at April 14, 2010 09:18 PM | TrackBack
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