August 20, 2003

And From The "Well, No fucking Shit" World Of News Comes. . .

Bored Teens With Cash A Drug Risk

UPDATE: Salam Pax on the recent U.N. bombing in Baghdad: I am plunging into a fucking depression, do we have a future? is this country going to be hijacked by shit extremists who want to prove a point?

Not if coalition forces have anything to say about it, and they do. For those asshats out there crying for the immediate return of the soldiers in Iraq, and those decrying the ongoing cost of the war, I kindly ask you to stop flapping your gums. Yeah, it's going to cost money, and yeah, it's going to cost lives, and yeah, it's going to take time. What's your point? We're in this for the long haul because it's the right thing to do, no matter the cost.

Posted by Ryan at August 20, 2003 01:34 PM
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