The next time you encounter one of the very many worthless Blogspot blogs that cram the Internet today--the kind of blog that comes across as adolescent (moreso than mine, even), poorly thought-out, petulant, vaguely prepubescent, high pitched, pointless, tauntingly angry, stereotypical, and basically across-the-board stupid--and you think to yourself "I wonder what this moron looks like," I have it on pretty solid authority that 99.99 percent of those bloggers pretty much look like this:
That is all.
HEY! I know that guy!
Posted by: LearnedFoot at December 8, 2006 03:40 PMIt looks like eThug
Posted by: markymark at December 8, 2006 03:59 PMHe also looks suspiciously like he's at a funeral.
Posted by: Joshua at December 8, 2006 04:00 PMJust wait'll he's old enough to grow a goatee! Then he'll show you! He'll show all of you! ROTFLMAO! Pwned!
Posted by: flamingbanjo at December 8, 2006 04:25 PMJeez.
Not only is sarcasm completely lost on this dumbass, but he's completely oblivious to the screaming irony of calling LearnedFoot a "thug".
He lost. He was outplayed. Out of his league. He needs to accept it and go away.
Posted by: Fred Bear at December 8, 2006 07:08 PMFred,
...or how stupid he sounds making grossly inaccurate insults about my appearance, despite voluminous, easily accessable evidence to the contrary.
Not the brightest bulb on the tree anywhere.
Posted by: LearnedFoot at December 8, 2006 07:13 PMlol!
Its pretty funny eThug.
Now all of sudden you dont want to be a tough guy.
'he better remain anon.'.
Whats my IP addy again?
But you guys are right...I was outplayed.
Now how about that Christo-lesbo Mary Cheney....
Posted by: Markymark at December 8, 2006 10:27 PMGrossly inaccurate insults.....
pasty looking
Nah...its a pretty accurate description.
Oh yeah, I missed you guys at Greenleaf.
No eThugs to be found.
I did see some christo-homo's talking with a funny accent...
Posted by: Markymark at December 8, 2006 10:38 PM