I went the medical route for my cauliflower ear, when I realized jabbing it with a sewing needle just wasn't going to cut it (pun intended). The head-wrap is precautionary for 24 hours. Stitches will come out next week, and I'll be wearing a head-gear during jiu-jitsu for, like, ever.
Yes, the photo is crappy. Apologies for that. The girlfriend took it, so don't blame me.
Now all you need is a drum, and a guy playing a flute, and a guy carrying a flag. You'd blend right in.
Holy shit, it got bad quick didn't it? Wow.
Seriously I hope you feel better soon.....along with the dirty mushroom, you now have the dirty cauliflower. (What? Like you didn't know I was going to compare the two? heh)
Dude, that sucks. Although it sounds like it looks a lot worse than it feels, so that's good.
Posted by: DG at September 28, 2006 08:50 AMFife, it's a fife, not a flute.