June 23, 2006

I Guess I'm It

Doug has tagged me with a meme. This particular meme asks the kind of question that keeps philosophers awake at night. Namely, what sitcom character would you like to be?

Well, let's see. Alex Keaton comes to mind, if for no other reason but for his laser-like intensity to gain wealth. But, there are other reasons. For one, despite his obnoxious personality, Alex was able to hook up with an impressive array of female ass, which I obviously have to respect. Also, his mom was Meredith "The Baxter Stands for HUGE BOOBS"-Birney. Finally. . . TINA YOTHERS. Need I say more? Of Justine Bateman I will say nothing, except that she left the best show in the world, Men Behaving Badly, thereby killing the show, so I will never forgive her.


Mixed in with my Alex Keaton would be a pinch of Judge Harry Stone.

Who wouldn't want to be a wacky night court judge who had Gomez Adams for a dad? With an on-again, off-again relationship with Markie Post to boot! And Roz! And Bull!


Yup, Judge Harold P. Keaton. That's the me I wish was me.

How bout you, Mitch? Cathy?

Posted by Ryan at June 23, 2006 10:55 AM | TrackBack

Mitch's tag is wrong. You've got it as .com, it's supposed to be .info.

Posted by: Joshua at June 24, 2006 02:29 PM
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