February 12, 2003

Dr. Suess On the Sauce

Dr. Suess On the Sauce Makes People Snarf

Ryan says: A martini. So sophisticated.

Jen says: That's what I'd drink if I drank. Something swank. I rhymed!

Ryan says: Kind of an alcoholic version of Dr. Suess.

Jen says: I will not drink green ale and coke! *hic*

Ryan says: "And the drinkers, they drank, they drank something swank, and their breath bubbled and burbled and really just stank."

Jen says: *laughs*

Jen says: yay, I knew Ryan would come up with something funny.

Ryan says: Just a matter of time.

Jen says: 'Tis.

Ryan says: "And as the drinkers got drunker, the more that they drank, so their thinkers couldn't thunker, no matter how much they thank."

Jen says: LOL...that's awesome.

Ryan says: I'm in my office just twittering away.

Jen says: You do NOT twitter.

Ryan says: Oh, I twitter, baby. I TWITTER!

Jen says: *snarfs*

Posted by Ryan at February 12, 2003 02:07 PM
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